Or so my friend says.

In truth, this is just another complaint post LOL.

So I've been working on my essay. Attempting to work on my essay. One of five. And the thing is, I'm royally stuck. Stuck in a sticky pie of goop and gunk and I really want apple pie. Right now. From McDonalds.

Yeah I should stop doing that. Repeating things and making my sentences really short just so I can sound cool and literary and pseudo-modernist. Oh I'm such a tween. At heart.

So what was my point? Right the essays. This is what I don't understand. When I don't have to say anything important I tend to spew out gurret after gurret of words that all gush into the gutter where dead things grow and people forget the existence of any sort of coherent point that I might have had in the first place.

Gurret is not a word. Google said so. I shall pretend I'm Shakespeare and go on with it anyway! (Hurrah to the new generation!)

Alright so when I don't have important things to say, I talk a lot. But when it gets down to business, as in when it's going to get graded and stuff like that, suddenly that bubbling fountain just becomes stuck. LIKE FREAKIN PREGNANT WOMAN I TELL YOU.

That's especially true when I have to type things out on the computer. Now of course one reason that I hardly get anything done on the computer (except paying bills. Can't not pay bills, no.) is because the awesomeness of the internet restrains my grubby little fingers and tired, bloodshot eyes from focusing my brain on what is really important, what is really worth my time and what I need to buy. Right now.

I can't concentrate. I can't bring myself to care about "The Depressed Person" (don't read it, it's depressing) who just appears to be such a pathetic infantile creature that I feel simultaneously repulsed by and sorry for her.

Is this what they call writer's block? I didn't have anything to start with though so maybe it's like, writer's barrenness? DRIED OUT WRITER? DRIED OUT WRITER-WANNABE STUDENT OF ENGLISH LIT? Oh gosh this was supposed to be intellectual. I'm sorry I fail you, title.

Apparently there's no such word as ferally. How suck.

(This only makes sense in accordance to my friend's page. One at a much higher literary realm than mine. You should check it.)
I feel so much better about myself now that somebody told me how to actually blog here. I'm so happy that I'm going to INCLUDE A PIC. YA.

Oh whoops he's not pretty.